today evening i had a lesson...i learnt it from two individuals who are otherwise considered to be d king of idiocy and imprudentness. Yes, i learnt it from two young adoloscent, teenage DONKEYS.
i was waiting at the range hills corner signal in an unusally rushy afternoon in the city while returning home from university, after a very hectic day. while some 10 meters from the signal i found the green arrow, even after riding at full speed [within practical limit in a busy city road of pune], the inevitable could not be avoided. the red signal flashed with highest splendour. with a droopy beyakoob haashi i tried to be economic and sensible [turned off the ignition].
then my short but intensified lesson had just begun.
the road perpendicular to that of mine, was having green signal where a group of 15 donkeys [approx.]who were crossing road along with other anthropogenic, motorised symbol of developement,counterparts; santro, tata, maruty, chevrolet, scooty, bajaj, hero honda ....the list goes on. however after some time as the schedule goes they were succumed to yellow light, but................there were two young adoloscent teenge rebel donekys who were too engrossed to cross the road with their elderly leaders, they appeared bit clumsy [just like any other teenager] [:P][:D] the moment they dared to step on the stripes of their distant cousin, i mean zebra crossing, the signal went angry and turned red.
they stepped back [much to the annoyance of a hot looking biker] the line and waited patiently and the motor line had to follow with equal patience..........for they could not disobey the traffic rule any more.
fortunately by this time signal goddess had daya on me and smiled with a green grin. i zoomed off with a lovely lesson taught by two mutes, apparently sarcastic but certainly effective.
so plz plz do not disobey the traffic rules, they have been formulated for the safeguard of our precious life which the almighty gifts us just onece...in the lifetime. [:)][:D]
after all ...gadhe ko bhi pata hai...................
ha ha ha....ending is too good..."gadhe ko bhi pata hai"...oh the point was taken by the way
good lesson!! symbi is it??
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