plz don't think i m exaggerating even a bit...............a typical bong village is real picturesque
charo taraf hariyali hi hariyali hai............lahlahate khet, khalihan.........chirping birds, innocent villagers.
i have never seen such a ' jattha' of birds ............shalik, charui, tuntuni............all sorts of domestic birds who feed on the grains. the red 'kachchi' paths were used more by the stray cattle and goats than human beings in contrast to the city scenario where little kids hardly knows how a real life cow or a goat looks like!!!!!!!!!!!!! of course we city folk got bit annoyed when interfered with their snail pace while we longed for jet speed on the village pathways [ which once upon a time must have been pitched roads but now,.............ahem no comments][:P]
the place we were destined for was a local 'bagan barri' besides a local river [ geographically a natural canal] [:)]yet...............the forest [ of course plz don't consider sunder vans...........]that got its genesis from the river [ water body to be on the safer side] is capable to make you realise the ultimate truth ..............there is nothing more beautiful than the nature and her instrinct gorgeous looks.
- just close your eyes
- imagine
- if you are unable, still try
- there is a river with crystal clear water gushing with a mighty lioness's roar, swashing on the stones beneath, sweeping away all the dirt of city life.............rejuvenating your soul once again
- there is greenery every where............green green everywhere....................with typical sub tropical and tropical vegetation of mango, banyan, tamarind, mahogany, palm, coconut, beetle nut, banana..................with paddy fields alternating with mustard, cauliflower and marigold in the far horizon................where the sky kisses the earth.
- the bottle green grasses tingling your bare feet
- natural music of unknown birds
- humble huts at the far streched lands with climbers of bottleguard and pumkin adding to their humble and simple beauty
- genuine smiling faces of villagers staring at you without any ill thoughts but just out of pure innocent curiosity....................................."how does city folk look like"
- soft music reaching your ears from unknown source
- your olfactories enjoying unknown fragrance ............from far off sources you do not know.........perhaps will never know...............
what else do you need to feel a primary heaven ?
with a more pragmatic analogy...............roti, kapda makan.............man's primary needs
above listed criterions..............basic/primary tools for a heaven on the earth.......
the tranquility and the peace that come along, as a package deal...................i doubt even bil gates or j k rowling would ever afford............
poor man's heaven is supposed to be an esily available commodity, i guess the reason the almighty took pity and added the artist finishing touch to the landscape
no doubt tagore wrote...............
'graam chhara ei raanga maatir poth..............amar mon bholaye re................'
as far as personal experience is concerned...............the bengali villages can make the most pragmatic mindsets [like me] to a romantic soul [at least for the duration you stay there]
hriday amar nachere aajike
moyurer moto nache re..................
[thnx for having patience ][:D]
1 comment:
I have seen dreams, I have painted pictures. But I've never written them like you have. A normal Indian sadly perceives that villages are only like the ones in punjab or UP. Your post will certainly help
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