someone plz tell me
"wat is love?"
is it just liking someones company?
or just passing time with a particular individual?
is not der a difference between love nd lust?
well readers .....u plz decide......u plz define d term d way u intend ...................
but plz............
why do we hate soooooooo much.......why der is an equal balance between love and hate?
i am referring to a recent case of murder of a young lad by a "lady" who happened to be his ex beloved [aided by her current beau ........]
if u had loved someone how could u kill him/her? won't ur hands shiver when u ll be offering d "chalice of death"? i mean why d passion of hatred is stronger dan love? if u r not happy...just can't stand ur ex ...it's perfectly alright....leave him/her....dump im/her.........but why on earth end his life???????
if u r not happy....u can't make him/her happy.....who has given u d ryt to make him/her unhappy?
(s)he might be blessed with a better person than u...(s)he might be made for another person.....who r u to interfere?????????
those were the days.....as we come across in d famous story of the lady or the tiger......where d behaviour of the princess is perfectly understood that if i can't have my love no one else cant have him (her) either......
but dis is a completely different scenario....i can't stand him (her) ...i have a better partner...still........i cant stand him (her) breathing...forget being happy...[:P]
is dis d way towards stability of life? u cant stand...u dump...and den u kill to end the traces of the story......
i don't know whether it is a new era budding out or the Malthus theory is coming to act and this is just a preface........
whatever it is...m too negligible to analyse but..........i find it scary....do u too??