Geeta [shrimadbhagwatgeeta], the bible of hinduism, says
koi kisi ka nahi................
akele aaye ho
akele jana parega.................
then why on earth do we long for friends/companions/family?
anthropologists and natural biologists provided a simple explanation......because man is a social animal......he just cannot stay aloof, cannot just run away after fulfilling his basic instincts.
evolutionists say, this is wat puts man in a different strata in the animal kingdom.
a human being's life is not just a compilation of basic biological instincts of hunger, thirst, sex, childbirth and fighting environmental odds......but a lot more to it.
anthropologists say......we are in the phase of cultural evolution.
anyways, in a nutshell we cannot stay aloof from the society. we are unable to lead a solitary life [unless you want to become a himalayan hermit]. we hate to live isolated. hence the formation of society.
society .........the key word in our existence..........thousands and thousands of individual just like us, just a bit different co exist......
yet we long for that special member from the society..............who makes us smile,supports us in crisis, guides when we need it the most,.........in a nutshell
we are comfortable with that individual and as a thumb rule, vice verse.
some call him/her, a friend, some prefer....boy/girl friend, some use the term fiancee', some say husband/wife, some go for brother/sister, some like parents, some grandparents, some call them teachers..............anthropogenic relations.
we feel comfortable, make the bonds, long to prolong the bond..........bas.....we start naming the bond as we wish ..............................father/mother/brother/sister/husband/wife/friend...............................list goes on.................
we fell so comfortable in the set up.......that we shiver just at the mere mention of disruption of the system. we just cannot even stand the thought of separation from the though anthropogenic relations..............the reason we are scared of death...................................we just can't even imagine in our wildest of dreams of replacement of any of these relations..........................
do you really feel replacement of any relation is impossible?impractical?irrational?foolish?
i have a dilemma................
is survival more important or comfort more important?
isn't it that out survival is independent? isn't our birth an independent event? [w.r.t social factor]
so why do we feel so low, why do we ruin our own precious life; which is the lifetime gift, in true sense !!!!!!! why do we ruin the present to the dark shadow of past? why don't we hug the future more bravely with an anticipation that...every dark cloud has a silver lining?
why some of us just succumb under the black shadow and become slave of drugs/alcohols and ruin their "anmol"[priceless] life..............!!!!!!
personally i really believe in replacement theory
after all this is one easy way to hope that keeps the strength of survival alive.....
every relationship can be replaced.......................in the original's absence
i need not site examples...at some point in our course of life if not now and then.....we all must have faced this.....we lose Friends owing to various causes/events.....we feel helpless, hapless, lost,......and the list of sorrowful adjectives goes on............................
still after some time ...for most of us......we do get some replacement...[i do not quantify it and measure the degree of replacement....i believe in all or none theory, in simpler words, yes/no type thing........after all don't u feel something is better than nothing?]
replacement of beloved!!!
i understand...................the lesser fortunate........i have full sympathy.....but yet....................there are examples.....by examples i do not mean filmy story lines or writers' and poets' brilliant idealistic ideas.............
just go..... in the society.......
u ll find how truly, how honestly works the theory of replacement.
u do get a support once again
u get your life partner once more
u get your kid once more
u get your sibling once more
u get even your parent....sometimes even your grandparent....once again in your life..............blood does not create a barrier........
trust me
might sound rude, impolite, unemotional, extremely mechanical......or Utopian to some........but u do find them and they are not the blue moons..........they are like you and me....another similar individual with a lil bit of differences...........yet so much like us................
don't u feel they deserve an applause for the bravery they display for survival!!!!!
when we are made like that.....that our emotion is the ultimate driving instinct....don't you think these "replacements" [an impudent word] really deserve the universal social support?
don't u think a second fiddle is a harsher term??????????
why do we look down to a second marriage?
why do we pity an adopted child and the non sanguinal parents?
why a cousin cannot be a sibling?
why cannot we accept such simple things........after all it's out nature, our environment which does not allow any vacuum............so why cannot human nature acept it?
being an individual...why cannot we respect others individuality?
who are we to call things unnatural, impossible, infeasible, impragmatic..........
if they were so...then where do these instances come from????
c'mon.....how an unnatural thing be allowed to exist in the natural world!!!!!!!!!
just because we do not have an explanation.....doest it mean we simply discard them
does truth depend on the acceptance or denial?
truth is truth........................
hai koi jawab?
"koi uttar nahi
saari dishaye chup rahi
saari dishyen maun!!!!"